In short, 'maybe'. A good rule of thumb when you are concerned about arthritis is the length of time for which you've been experiencing your symptoms. Typically, pain and swelling in the joints that persists for greater than six weeks is a good indicator of arthritis. However, this is not 'iron clad' and should be diagnosed by a doctor.

Not all joint pain and swelling is caused by arthritis, and because of the intricacies of the human body, any problem that persists for more than seven days should be evaluated by your physician. This is also true for joint pain.

If you've already been diagnosed with arthritis, and you notice new symptoms, consider consulting your doctor about possible causes and to gain advice on treating your pain and stiffness. In the mean time, here are some tips on relieving your swollen joint(s) at home.

Relieve your swollen joints

If you suspect your swelling is due to a recent injury, try icing the joint in fifteen-minute increments over a span of four to six hours. If you don't have four to six hours to spare, do your best to treat the joint with ice in fifteen-minute increments for at least one hour.

People who have swelling that results from an old injury may find heat therapy to be both soothing and beneficial for mobility. Try a heating pad or microwavable heat pack while you're watching TV or relaxing in the evening.

Arthritis sufferers will also find heat therapy more beneficial than ice. Moist heat will work well during an arthritic flare up. One of the best ways to utilize moist heat is by placing a wet towel in the dryer and running it until the towel is warm, but damp. Wrap the towel around the affected joint and relax. You can repeat this process as often as you like.

Joint swelling that is a result of infection can be treated with moist heat temporarily until you can see your doctor. If you believe you may have an infection, don't put off visiting your doctor. The longer you wait, the more severe the infection can become, impacting the health of more than just your joints.

Melvin Michael

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