Do you dread getting up in the morning because you know your joints will be stiff and achy? Do you feel older than you are because you have to walk at a snails pace on your way to bathroom when you wake up? If you do, you aren't alone. Joint pain and stiffness is a leading cause for concern among the majority of adults.

The Arthritis Foundation reports that a staggering 46 million Americans have some kind of arthritis. If you're one of these 46 million, you already know that arthritis can limit many of your daily activities as well as cause pain and stiffness that is associated with the simplest of tasks.

Joint health is one of the highest rated concerns among adults today. As the population enters their 50s and 60s, bone and joint health issues begin making themselves known with every step. Research also indicates that young consumers are equally as concerned about joint health and ar looking for ways to treat or prevent arthritis and other joint diseases. Not only do an astounding number of consumers indicate growing concern for joint health, they also confirm that this is one issue that they would be most likely treat or prevent with supplementation.

A report in the Nutrition Business Journal stated that the sale of joint health products, supplements in particular, were up to 1.2 billion dollars in 2006. That number was an increase of 2.5 percent from the prior year and that number has been on a steady rise ever since. Joint health products that are backed by scientific research are extraordinarily successful and the demand shows no sign of stopping, as consumers grow more and more interested in joint health.

Glucosamine and chondroiton have each become base ingredients in a great number of joint supplements. Many multi-vitamin manufacturers have begun to add the combination to their best selling formulas. But, are glucosamine and chondroiton the only choice in joint health supplementation? Absolutely not.

InterHealth's has patented a supplement ingredient called UC-II. UC-11 is a native form of type-II collagen that is already found in joint cartilage. It is the primary structure protein found within cartilage tissue and is primarily responsible for tensile strength and the general 'toughness' of the cartilage. UC-II controls inflammation by working with the immune system to support joint health. The suggested dosage of 40 mg every day gives manufacturers the ability to formulate products that will be extremely effecting and will stand alone. Meaning that you won't have to take it in combination with other supplements, nor will you get stuck swallowing the typical 'horse pill' sized tablet. Not only can UC-II stand alone, it can also be formulated as an additive to existing supplements if so desired.

So, if you're looking to append to your joint health repertoire, consider adding UC-II to your supplement regime. Ask your doctor or health care professional for their recommendation and for any advice or information they can provide on this new miracle product.

Melvin Michael

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