Hip Joint Pain

Hip joint pain is a common problem. It needs to be treated immediately and with great care, as hip joint pain reduces a patient's level of activity. There could be many causes for hip joint pain. Arthritis is one of the most common causes of hip joint pain. It can be treated with medicines, but in some cases one may require hip replacement surgery if conventional treatment fails.

Trochanteric bursitis, caused by inflammation of the bursa over the outside of the hip joint, is another common cause of hip joint pain. Tendonitis, in any of the tendons surrounding the hip joint, could also cause hip joint pain.

Apart from this, some of the other causes of hip joint pain include osteonecrosis, snapping hip syndrome, strained muscles or hip fractures, and other hip injuries. Sometimes, certain hip-related problems faced during childhood could also cause hip joint pain later in life. Take for example developmental dysplasia, in which hips are dislocated in infants. This could hamper the proper development of hip joints. During childhood it may not cause pain, but a few years later it could lead to arthritis, causing problems even in walking.

Another disease, called perthes, can permanently damage the hip joint during childhood. The treatment for hip joint pain depends on the cause of the problem. It is important to understand the cause before starting any treatment.

The treatment of hip joint pain often involves use of heating pads and ice packs. They are quite effective in reducing inflammation and providing relief from pain. In most of the hip joint pain cases, the patient is asked to rest the joint. This allows inflammation to subside. It also provides relief from acute pain. The patient may be asked to use crutches or a cane in some cases, to reduce the stress on the hip joints while walking.

Joint Pain provides detailed information on Joint Pain, Joint Pain Relief, Hip Joint Pain, Muscle and Joint Pain and more. Joint Pain is affiliated with Glucosamine Sulfate.