If aching bones and sore joints are causing you trouble, consider taking some time just for you. Many times we get so caught up with our to-do lists that we neglect our own needs. We tend to always put other's needs above our own and just struggle with or try to ignore joint pain. Take a minute (or more) to help yourself and your joint aches. Some good ways that I've found to relieve joint pain are:

• Hot bath with Epson salts - Epson salts help to soothe the nervous system and draw toxins from the body. Aside from the pain relief qualities, they leave your skin smooth and soft and can help to relax you. When you add essential oils they add aroma-therapy, which can help relax you and relieve joint pain as well.

• Gentle massage - Gentle massage of the joints that are hurting is an excellent way to relieve joint pain, though it is often more helpful to have a friend or a masseuse help you as opposed to doing it yourself. When you do it yourself, especially if your hands also suffer from joint pain, you may concentrate on the sensation of your hurting hands instead of on the area you're rubbing.

• Exercise - Try water aerobics or walking to help loosen joints without straining them. Sitting on an exercise ball can be an easy way to increase your range of mobility, but don't push yourself too hard. You may over do it!

• Take an anti-inflammatory - Over the counter pain relief may be helpful to reduce inflammation and tenderness in your joints. Be sure to take the proper dose and eat before hand so it won't upset your stomach.

• Lose weight - If you are packing extra pounds, your joints are too. And the harder they work, the more they are likely to hurt. Consider a change in diet or exercise if you need to, your joints will thank you for it.

• Use a joint-health supplement - Sometimes our bodies need a little help to regenerate and repair. A joint-health supplement could be helpful, not only in relieving your pain, but also in reversing the negative effects of joint degeneration.

• Use a medicated balm or ointment - There is such a wide variety of medicated creams out there now that you can even purchase the ones that don't smell like a medicine cabinet. If you use a heating cream, make sure you don't wrap it or put a heating pad on it, as it could result in burns. Also, if you have limited mobility, or loss of feeling, you should be careful to avoid burns.

• See a doctor - Joint pain could be a symptom of something more serious. Don't put it off until it's too painful to move. Even mild joint pain could be a sign of something more serious.

You're worth the little extra time it takes to relieve your pain. You may find that taking a break will not only help with stiff joints, but will also rejuvenate your spirits as well, making you better able to cope and better at doing all the things you need to accomplish each day.

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