Jaw Joint Pain

Jaw joint pain is caused by stress of the muscles and joints. The most common disorder occurs where the upper and the lower jaw meet. This disorder is known as temporo mandibular joint disorder. The jaw has a lot of obligations and, this is the reason why pain is very prevalent. There are other factors that can cause the joint pain.

When there is eruption of wisdom teeth, you will find that jaw joint pain is pretty common. A visit to the orthodontist will help a lot; this is especially when there is a misalignment. You will suffer from jaw joint pain when you are injured. There are so many other things that follow when you start to experience the pain.

You will start to experience headaches which may become very severe as the jaw joint pain advances. You will notice increased tension in the neck. There are some who will experience earaches. All these problems could be solved by painkillers but, you must address the joint pain first for you to solve the problem in the long term.

Repeated joint pain is more common in people who play very aggressive sports like rugby and boxing. All these blows can cause serious problems like bone fractures. Also, disruption of the jaw and even arthritis will be caused by the impact of the sport.

Untreated malocclusion cases will be responsible for the pain in the long term. There has been claims that chewing gum can cause the joint pain of the jaws. There is no clear evidence to back this. However, you will definitely experience some pain hours after you chew gum. Usually, this pain goes away on its own and, is mostly temporary.

You can prevent pain in the jaw by going for a dental x ray. Another method that can help analyze the condition is a special magnetic resonance test. The above tests are vital when the cause has not been determined. Some of this may prove very expensive. If your doctor recommends such a test, you can always go for a second even a third opinion.

There are very many treatment regiments that you can follow. When you have the pain, do not strain the condition by eating hard foods. Go for soft foods which will not aggravate your condition. It will be very vital for you to apply ice bags on the affected area. You should not strain your mouth therefore, yawn with great care and avoid intense laughing. Avoid chewing gum and you will get better.

Peter Gitundu Has Been Researching and Reporting on Joint Pain for Years. For More Information on Jaw Joint Pain, Visit His Site at JAW JOINT PAIN